Seasonaires Episode 5 - Jinya Nishiwaki

30 November 2010  |   |   2 Comments
If you cut Jinya Nishiwaki in half he would bleed chain lube. This guy is devoted and passionate. He has moved all the way from Japan to be in Whistler riding his bike everyday. He rides up, down and around all trails, which demonstrates his commitment, all round riding skills and passion. Furthermore, he does it all on one bike. Simplicity, style and skill. That's Jin. In this episode we see Jin just shred downhills, in the Bike Park and out of the Bike Park. We also get to hear his perspective on what makes Whistler such a special place for bikers and why so many people transit from other worlds to this little piece of mountain bliss every summer. Seasonaires Seasonaires Seasonaires


ejcrasher said on: 30 November 2010 16:37

its odd that we all use big full sus bikes forthe stuff hes doing on a hardtail

noel fielding said on: 30 November 2010 18:20

to be honest i find it cool how he rides a hardcore hardtail for everything but i had a bike just like him and i was keeping up with all the big bikes on tracks like hamsterley

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